Diabetes Research
Clinical Birth Cohort Study
Patients & Families
Participants and their families are at the core of why we do the work and are involved in our research project in many ways. Some parents work with our research team to make sure we are asking the right questions and doing the research in the best way we can. Others are participants who help us gather data by coming to appointments and filling out questionnaires.
We appreciate all the time and dedication from every child, parent, caregiver, community and family member who helps us do this research.
About the Study
We are recruiting Indigenous mothers, fathers, and pregnant women who have type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, or no diabetes at all, as well as the children born to these parents. We follow these children to make sure they do not have early signs of diabetes.
Why we are doing the study?
We would like to answer important questions about why type 2 diabetes runs in some families and what risks exist. Starting at the age of 7, the kids are screened for prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. Our goal is to prevent progression, treat early, or support families to live well with diabetes.
What will you do?
During pregnancy, the height, weight, and blood pressure as well as blood and urine samples are collected during the prenatal care visit.
We are also looking at the effects on children while they are in the mom’s womb through the collection of cord blood at delivery. Collecting cord blood does not harm the baby or the mother; it is collected after the cord is cut and is usually discarded after birth. We think there is something unique happening when the child is in the mom’s womb since we see many more children being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who were born to mothers living with type 2 diabetes than children who were born to fathers with type 2 diabetes.
We conduct annual assessments for the children, where height, weight, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels are measured, in order to help determine the risk factors involved with developing type 2 diabetes. This screening provides a more detailed look at the child’s health and is not normally done during a usual doctor or nurse visit.
All test results are reviewed by a doctor and discussed with the parents/guardians. A copy of the results will be sent to the parents/guardian and to the child’s family doctor to update their records.
Where and when will the study take place?
Where: Children's Research Institute of Manitoba if you are based in Winnipeg. Within your community, if you are based out of Winnipeg (where possible).
When: At a time most convenient for you and your family during the week.
If you are interested in participating in the study, please contact us either by:
phone: 204-272-3064
email: yrawal@chrim.ca, or pirabor@chrim.ca, or nextgenstudy@chrim.ca
Or by filling out your contact information using the button below:
Our NextGen Parent Advisory Group (PAG)
Our advisory group is made up of parents who have children in the study and other community members who support families. We work with the research team throughout all aspects of the study, from asking the right questions to sharing what we learn in the research project.
The PAG meets every few months to give their feedback and ideas to the Next Gen research team about what to study next and how to study it in a good way. Members of our PAG get compensation ($$) for their time. You don't need to know about research to join. Your lived experience helps research. To try out a meeting or learn more contact Carrie Costello: ccostello@chrim.ca.
Next Generation Study Newletter
The Next Generation research study creates a newsletter in order to share updates, recent findings, and other exciting news related to the study. Click the newsletter button to view our most recent version.