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Diabetes Research

Clinical Research Studies

DREAM researchers lead clinical studies aimed at understanding the most important determinants of diabetes risk, as well as complications in children living with type diabetes. Our team is developing expertise in trials to test interventions to improve health outcomes.

Type 1 Diabetes Studies


A pilot open-label randomized controlled trial of the Medtronic 770g in automode vs manual mode in people with type 1 diabetes postpartum.


Using individuals from the CONCEPTT study, CONCEPTT Kids is assessing the association between mother’s blood glucose during pregnancy on their child’s IQ, social responsiveness, attention and language scores. Recruitment is from CONCEPTT enrollment.


Aims to assess the efficacy of the Tandem t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology in pregnant individuals with type 1 diabetes.

"Sending Out an S.O.S."

Aims to measure markers of remaining insulin-producing beta cells in the first 5 years of diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children and teens.

Now Recruiting

Type 2 Diabetes Studies

The Next Generation Study

Next Generation, or NextGen, is a unique cohort of  Indigenous children born to a parent living with type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes or normal blood sugar. We want to answer important questions about why type 2 diabetes runs in some families and what protective factors exist. Our goal is to prevent the progression, treat early, or support families to live well with diabetes.

Dr. Brandy Wicklow
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improving renal Complications in Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes through REsearch (iCARE)

The iCARE study is the largest cohort of youth with type 2 diabetes in Canada.  This patient oriented study was designed to understand the biopsychosocial determinants of kidney disease, the most common complication in youth with T2D.  iCARE is now following over 400 children living with type 2 diabetes across Canada.

Dr. Allison Dart
Dr. Brandy Wicklow
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The experiences of youth living with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

The study is an interpretive and exploratory qualitative description with 22 youth living with T2D to understand their experiences and perceptions of T2D


Informed by partnership with youth and caregivers this team has created Canada's first living lab platform for youth and families with T2D.  By establishing an embedded registry of youth with T2D enabling discrete studies and module-based inquiries over time, the platform will provide a sustainable structure to understand and support youth' mental health experiences and priorities for research and care. 

Gestational Diabetes Studies


This study aims to predict the risk of developing type 2 diabetes after having gestational diabetes using continuous glucose monitoring technology.

Dr. Jennifer Yamamoto